Do you ever find yourself spending too much time on social media instead of enjoying life in the moment? If so do you have any tips to combat that?

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I love this question! This is a hard one, especially given I work remote and wear many hats that require constant attention to a computer screen. Social media adds to this complication. For example, I have personal social media accounts, accounts for my works as a realtor, as a writer (most of which are in process now as I'm preparing to publish my first novel), accounts for my lawyer profile (LinkedIn) - belong to several writing groups online, even my 9-5 has its own private company "social media." What I find works is to have a set time to check emails, use platforms to send timed posts (I'm still learning how to do this), etc. Resist the urge to constantly check. Take breaks. Go for a walk, get outside, take a nap. Basically, get away from your computer and phone and do something that reminds you there is a life out there! Instead of sending a social media message or text, call a friend. Invite them to lunch. Remember that social media is a tool, not life. Also, check out last week 's post on "The Power of Pause" - it's a great post that touches on this some! Thanks for the question! I'd love to hear how other subscribers handle this as well. It's definitely something I struggle with!

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